Are you in search of the best printing service in New York? If you are, then you are in luck. New York has quite a number of printing companies in its city. But when choosing one from them, there are certain things that you have to bear in mind. Some of these are: standard business card printing service, digital printing service, direct mail service and envelope printing service. Let us see what each of these is all about.

Most of the people think that if they want to get a professional looking print out of a New York based printing company then it should be an expensive one. And they are right at least up to a point. The prices of most of the services offered by a standard business card printing service in New York can run up to $100 or more. But this is not always the case.
Do not get fooled by what you read on the glossary of services section. These glossaries are merely there to give you an idea about the pricing structure and the types of services that they offer. Most of the time, they do not even mention the cost of 2.5 x black ink. So make sure that you know exactly what you are paying for before choosing a New York business card printing service. But here are some other services that you might encounter:
– Letterpress printing: A very popular type of New York based business card printing service offers letterpress printing of business cards. They take your plain ordinary business cards, put special covers on them and paste special metal caps on top to make your cards look beautiful. This kind of printing process produces very high quality cards that are very durable and can last for years. However, the price of this service is a bit steep at $30 per piece.
– Digital printing: Digital printing is another type of printing process that most small New York based companies use to print business cards. In this method, they will take a photo or scanned picture of your business cards and transfer it onto paper using inkjet technology. The printed result will look exactly like your original cards but they are less prone to damage and they also last longer.
– Full color printing: A popular New York card printing service offers full color services to clients. They will transfer the colors from the computer onto regular cards. The resulting cards are vibrant and have no defects. The prices for these cards are a bit steep as well. Most of these cards can be ordered online. However, be prepared to pay more if you order these cards online.
– Custom business card printing: If you feel that your card needs a little something extra, you can hire a printing company to help you design and print your business cards on your own. This option may cost you slightly more than the other methods mentioned above, but in return you will have the opportunity to personalize your cards. You can add a logo to your card or even a special message. There are many printing companies that offer this service. It may be best to call around to various printing companies to get quotes and details. This way you can choose a printing company that can meet your printing needs.
You don’t have to live with printing services that offer you generic cards when you can choose a professional New York card printing service to help you with your marketing efforts. You may find that choosing a New York business card printing service is the right move for your business. You can use this as an opportunity to build your brand name and make your brand more memorable. Card printing services in New York can also help you advertise your business in a number of different ways. By using their services you can generate more leads and sales.